Monday, July 2, 2007

Calling all males

I was surfing the web and I got washed up on the rocks of the Brisbane suburb-by-suburb statistical data. AWESOME!

What it did reveal (although these stats are older than knock-knock jokes, vegemite and lamingtons) was that last count there was 3, 295 uni students in Toowong, 4, 495 people living below the poverty line and an extreme proportion (like 49%) of the population earns a ridiculous pay packet as professionals, managers, execs and I suppose a few divorced WAG types attending 30 yoga sessions per week in full makeup and 40 carat jewelry as a result of that 49% white collar pop.

what the above diagram also reveals is what I secretly suspected. In the inner west, there are more females aged 20 - 24 than any other population group - sitting at 5000. And the shitty part is, ladies, we are 500 men short.
This is all before we encounter a range of other man issues - already partnered, the 10% standard gay population, the no-hopers (general) and dungeons & dragons freaks (no-hopers specific), the medieval society /the world of warcraft casualties / body odour (and/or) hair (and/or) acne issue boys (all no-hopers specific) ?

Its official. There is a man drought.

I would say the deficit has been under-reported, ladies.
We are in a state of crisis not seen since the Great War! We must rise up, and advertise! The inner west is NOT an ecosystem ladies, and last i recall the female human does not eat the male after mating. Those who do are very inconsiderate and contributing to our woes.
In the words of a famously sacked political head-kicker,

Or we could try another campagin which was pretty effective in the war years - "BRING THEM HOME" - what do you think?
Anyway, my long vigil in front of crap tv is about to be rewarded by scrubs.
so i'll be seein ya...

just before I go, I think maybe i need to get Lucas to sew a star of david type patch onto his jacket that says 'off limits' so women downtown.
Is that a little OTT?

From Toowong with love,
Kitty-Kat aka hayles aka haze aka baby cat aka midnight aka moderatelygoodlover68

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