Friday, April 20, 2007

Oh Why Am I Still Awake???

Hola, mis amigos!

Son las cuatro menos ocho en la manana y soy cansado pero exploriar la internet. Es no bien.. tambien, hoy yo trabajo y vamos con mi abuelo (esto un poco loco).

just a short post to mark the sad moment whe I realised I was awake at 3:58am on a saturday morning. this is most unfair. I spent a total of 2hours at the RE hotel (a cheap, divey pub that I like because of its cheap diviness.. and proximity to my house) and have since paid for it with a dehydration headache, dry lips and dried out, scratchy throat. And I'm restless. But that has a different explanation.
Lets not forget to mention I'm starting sentences with But and And here - a sure sign that this girl is wide awake and not quite grasping the English language.

Just a quick newsbreak while I'm up feeling sorry for myself:
Max is staying.
dammit dammit dammit... he got a job as a dishpig at the Regatta on wed and will now proceed to work 25 hrs a week to get by. what he will do during the rest of his week is a mystery to all... now that it took him a whole month to drop out of his course.
p.s. regatta are paying him peanuts. less than half of what I earn per hour. he can't pay rent on that! the rent is more than 50% of his pay! and he already spends most of that on stupid things he doesn't need which obscure the view between him and the Bleak Truth. (xbox games, pc stuff and so forth)

In other breaking news, I have heard Misha's song. the controversial legacy to my ability to flirt with or date his friends (ironically, all from different groups of his friends) has been given a tribute through Misha's mean spirited song, in which he claims (by the way, I "inspired" this song, its "technically" not about me) I am trying to 'get with all his friends to get to him'. The song is about how I am really just trying to hunt him down all along, just scoring with his mates along the way. Amazingly, the song hasn't received popular support. Raph refuses to have anything to do with it. actually the song is quite funny. i thought i would hate it but i don't look so bad... consequently, I will try and get a copy for this site

oh wow this is bad. I am sitting out here at 4am, blogging away in my barely there underwear and a tight fitting singlet, when who should appear but *psycho music* RACHEL.
another max-transmitted virus. and she comes out here, with the pc shedding just enough light so show her a bit of skin and my not-so-new underwear. i'm sure she secretly loves it.

think i'll sign off before she leaves the bathroom *shudders again*

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